Close Protection UK

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Close Protection UK: Your Reliable Protector When You Need OneClose Protection UK exists to provide proficient security detail and chaperoning solutions in the United Kingdom.Our twenty-five years of close protection operation are an affirmation of our experience and reliability.The close protection industry is growing and even ordinary folk—not just popular and wealthy people—are beginning to recognise its value; Close Protection UK’s provisions are tailored to accommodate this trend.And they encompass all aspects of close protection, surveillance and chaperon solutions.We have provided security at extravaganzas; we have also offered safety to the organisers of marriage ceremonies.We have accompanied business gurus overseas to war-torn locations, and we have foiled many assassination and kidnapping attempts.We put our operatives through rigorous assessment exercises and also ascertain that they possess the British Bodyguard Association’s membership.This denotes that they have all received proper training for assuring our clients’ safety.It doesn’t end there.Close Protection UK understands that the threats our clients contend with never neglect perfecting their devious schemes; thus we strive to operate many steps ahead of these threats by constantly reinforcing our operatives’ training and furnishing them with state-of-the-art gadgets.In addition, a good portion of our operatives are former law enforcement and special forces’ agents, and are also multilingual.These are the ideal operatives to take with you when you feel threatened on foreign soil.Whether you want them to disguise their operations or look obvious, they will act accordingly.Things Close Protection UK Can Do for You.• Our job is to offer you and your loved ones close protection.• All of our operatives passed through the BBA as specialists.• They will ensure your safety; and they can be cheerful when you want them to.• Our operatives are trained to adapt to any environment; this is evident in the fact that many of them are fluent in two or more languages.• The fact that we employ advanced instruments is suggestive of our immense capability to protect you.• Our close protection solutions are accessible day and night.• We will not disappoint, and it don’t matter if what your situation requires is an operative to escort you to a brief event or prolonged close protection?.• Whether you are a reporter, a public figure, an office bearer, a corporate diplomat, or simply an individual concerned with his or her safety, our services can accommodate your close protection need.Reach out to Close Protection UK.We can offer the security that you need.
Contact address: Close Protection UK, 19Eastbourne Terrace, London W2 6LG, Phone: 0800 334 5440